Record/Quiz Contest & Leadership Lab

The Central Texas Youth Fair kicks off this weekend with the Record/Quiz Class Contest on Saturday, June 1st at 6:00 pm.  The purpose of this class is to encourage youth to keep accurate records and to learn about the commercial production of livestock.  There are four divisions in this class: swine, lamb, steer, and goat.  These four divisions are then split into a Junior and Senior levels.  Prize money and sale eligibility slots will be awarded in each level of each division of this class.

The deadline for District 8 Leadership Lab, as well as the deadline for District 8 Council Officer Candidate Applications is coming up on May 31, 2013.  This Lab will take place June 26-28 in Brownwood, Texas at the Texas 4-H Conference Center.  The objective of this Leadership Lab is to prepare youth leaders from the 21 counties in District 8 for leadership roles.  The participants will take information back from Lab and share it with members in their counties.  

To be eligible for Leadership Lab, one must be an active 4-H member and be 13-19 years of age.  Bosque County 4-H is covering a majority of the cost for each participant.  Kate Whitney, County Extension Agent-FCS, and Christi Hillin, 4-H Program Assistant, will be attending Leadership Lab with the Bosque County youth this year. This is a great learning opportunity and will be lots of fun!  Please call Christi Hillin at the Bosque County AgriLife Extension Office at (254) 435-2331 if you are interested or have any questions.


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