Tag Archives: car seat

Who’s the safest passenger in the vehicle?

Parents often ask child safety seat experts what is the safest seat for their baby. Truth be told, for an infant or young child, it is not the brand of seat they purchase, but the direction they face the seat in their vehicle that will save their child’s life.  Since 2011 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has been recommending that children stay rear-facing until age 2 or older for the best crash protection. The reasoning behind this recommendation is that rear-facing car seats support the head, neck… Read More →

How to Secure Your Child’s Future

September 18-24 is National Child Passenger Safety Week Every parent wants the best for their child’s future, and one of the best ways to make sure your child will have a bright future is to be sure that you are correctly using the right car seat for your child and that the seat is correctly installed in your vehicle every time. Keeping your kids safe in vehicles isn’t as easy as it might appear. Most parents think they are using their car seat correctly, but at least three… Read More →

Would Your Child’s Car Seat Pass Inspection?

Securing your children properly in age- and size-appropriate child safety seats, in the back seat of your vehicle, is the most effective thing you can do to protect them in the event of a crash. In fact, in motor vehicle crashes, child safety seats reduce the risk of fatal injury by 71 percent for infants and by 54 percent for toddlers. The Bosque County Extension Office is hosting a Child Safety Seat Check-up Event on Tuesday, May 17.  The event will be held from 10:00 am to 1:00… Read More →

Car Seat Checkup

Are your children buckled up correctly? Let us check out your car seat and it’s installation for FREE! Your child’s safety depends on it! More than 8 out of 10 car seats are installed incorrectly! Bring your child and know their weight and height. For more information contact Kate Whitney at the Bosque County Extension office – 254-435-2331