Parents: Role Models for Great Kids

How many times have you heard an old-timer start complaining about our society today by saying, “Kids these days…?”  I know I have!  That’s usually the point in the conversation when kids roll their eyes and think, “Here we go again.”   But you know, as parents, we can do something to change that attitude by making sure our kids are motivated and encouraged to succeed.  I read some interesting research this week that says your expectations of your kiddos are a good predictor of what they will do.  For example, if you expect your kids to get a college degree and you put the effort into helping and being involved in their lives, the chances are greater that they will graduate college.  On the other hand, if you don’t expect your kids to even graduate high school, there’s a good chance that they won’t graduate.  The research I read was focused more on education, but I think the concept spills over into all parts of life.  Your expectations of your kids play a big role in how they act.  If you teach them to make good choices and expect them to do it, chances are better that they will make good choices.  What a responsibility for parents!

A related article discussed four family strengths that can help families be more successful:

  • Close and caring parents.  Kids want to know that you care and that you are close by if they need you.  If your teenager rolls his eyes because you hug him in front of his friends, remember that he appreciates it inside.  Close parenting also means that you provide good feedback and support to your kids.
  • Parent awareness.  This means knowing where your child is, making sure they get enough sleep, eating healthy, and making sure they are safe.  This includes things that might seem small like making sure they wear a seatbelt in the car or making them go to bed at 8:30 instead of staying up until 12, but those little signs of caring add up.
  • Parent involvement.  This includes helping with homework, but also talking about world events, discussing things important to the child, and participating in educational events outside of school.  Make an effort to be in your kids’ world in the big things and small things.
  • Positive role modeling.  Set a good example for your child by exercising, being involved in civic life, reading the news, and not abusing drugs, alcohol or tobacco.  Your kids will follow in your footsteps, so make sure you are setting a good example.

As you read over the strengths, think about how your family operates and how you might make some changes to strengthen your family and encourage your child to do well.

On Saturday, October 19, the Hispanic Outreach of Bosque County is hosting a Hispanic Education Forum.  This is a great opportunity for Hispanic families to speak with representatives from Bosque County schools and learn about school programs and tutoring for Spanish speaking students.  Additionally, parents can learn about college opportunities and the process for applying to college and scholarships.  The meeting will be held at the Meridian Civic Center on October 19 from 10:00-11:30am.  Door prizes and refreshments will be available.  Call 254-495-9243 for more information.

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