Tag Archives: health

Sleep – Can You Do without It?

Summer always seems to be a more carefree time, or at least it is for kids!  This summer, I have had several conversations with kids who tell me they stay up late every night.  Sometimes until two or three in the morning!  Maybe I’m just getting older, but I can’t go without my beauty sleep anymore.  The thought of staying up that late just sounds crazy to me! Most of us might think we can do without sleep – or at least that we can adapt to having… Read More →

Older Americans Month 2014: Safe Today, Healthy Tomorrow

Older adults have made countless contributions and sacrifices to ensure a better life for future generations.  Since 1963, communities across the country have shown their gratitude by celebrating Older Americans Month each May. This celebration recognizes older Americans for their contributions and demonstrates our nation’s commitment to helping them stay healthy and active. This year’s theme for Older Americans Month is “Safe Today, Healthy Tomorrow.” The theme focuses on injury prevention and safety to encourage older adults to protect themselves and remain active and independent for as long… Read More →

Exercise for Your Health

Spring is in the air, and summer is on the way!   It’s perfect weather to get outside and exercise!  If you need some motivation to get moving, check out these facts about the benefits of regular exercise. Regular exercise strengthens the heart and cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease. Did you know that for every extra pound of body fat you have, your body must produce miles of blood vessels through which your heart must pump blood?  Getting rid of extra fat… Read More →