Tag Archives: Food Preservation

Preserve Foods by Freezing

From a historical point of view, food preservation methods have been means of keeping mouths fed in times of hard ship for millennia. Canning, smoking, drying and salting, and more recently, freezing of foods are all great ways of keeping food safe to use much later down the road. Freezing is the most accessible method of food preservation today. Not everyone has access to equipment needed or the knowledge necessary to pressure can, smoke, or desiccate foods, but most people have access to a freezer. Here are some… Read More →

Food Preservation: Freezing Tips

I love summertime and the abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables.  It’s always about this time of year that the old joke starts circulating about not leaving your car windows down when you’re at church on Sunday because someone may leave a bag of squash or other veggies for you.  Gardens are overflowing with fresh produce right now!  If you’re wondering what to do with the abundance, try preserving it! Home food preservation has been around for years and years as a way to keep fruits and vegetables… Read More →