Have a Safe and Healthy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time of year to reflect on our blessings throughout the year.  I hope you find time during the holiday to give thanks and enjoy time with family and friends.

This year, make the most of your Thanksgiving meal by cooking fresh, healthy side dishes and following food safety guidelines.

  • Thaw your turkey safely.  The best way to thaw frozen poultry is in the refrigerator.  The USDA recommends 24 hours for every 4-5 pounds of turkey.  Thawing your turkey in the refrigerator keeps it at a safe temperature to reduce bacteria growth.  You can also thaw a turkey in cold water in your kitchen sink (not the bathtub) or in the microwave.
  • Try roasting vegetables with a little bit of olive oil and your favorite seasonings.   Roasted vegetables have great flavor and less fat than other recipes.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar in your desserts by 1/3.  You shouldn’t notice a change in taste, but it’s a great way to reduce calories.
  • Use extra spices such as cinnamon or vanilla for added flavor instead of sugar.
  • Purchase canned goods with reduced sodium or no-salt added.  This is an easy way to limit the sodium in your meal.  Add extra seasonings for more flavor.
  • Skim the fat off of your gravy as you’re making it.  Avoid eating the skin on your turkey because it contains fat deposits and adds extra calories to your meal.

You can find great, healthy recipes for your holiday meal at healthyliving.tamu.edu.  Enjoy time with your family and friends, and have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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