Tag Archives: lawn care

Fall Lawncare Can Improve Spring, Summer Turfgrass

Homeowners can prepare their lawns for winter dormancy and set turfgrasses up for a good spring and summer now.  Lawns are about to enter dormancy throughout much of the state, and a few fall maintenance measures will set grass up for a strong spring reemergence next year.  Most years we’d already be behind by this point, but while the timeframe is closing you can still prepare now. So, what can you do now?  In short – Fertilize, Stop Irrigation and Control Weeds. By fertilizing now you are providing… Read More →

Lawn Fertilization

This past week my wife, Margaret, mowed our lawn for the fourth time this year. The first two rounds were to remove winter weeds. On round three and four, she mowed the St. Augustine. She even cut some Bermudagrass. Bermuda is much slower to emerge and grow than St. Augustine. This year we had an exceptionally dry and cool April. This has caused the Bermuda to fall further behind. With all this in mind, it is time to fertilize your lawn. Even if you do not water your… Read More →