Extension Celebrates Family Mealtime

This month, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension is celebrating a tradition that is valuable to people all over the world: Family Mealtime.   I don’t know about you, but this time of year seems especially busy with various sports, clubs, and activities in full gear.  Our hectic schedules can make it difficult to squeeze in time around the table with our loved ones, but family mealtime is well worth it.

Eating meals together promotes quality time for interaction between children and adults.  Family dinner provides time to share stories from the day or discuss upcoming events.  Additionally, eating together offers an opportunity to talk about and model good nutrition and healthy eating.  Family mealtime is also a great time to teach manners!

Extension Celebrates Family Mealtime

Extension Celebrates Family Mealtime

During this month, take some time to celebrate family mealtime.  Here are a few things your family can do:

  • Make it your mission to have meals as a family three times a week or more.
  • Focus on family interactions during the meal by turning off the TV, video games, cell phones, or other distractions.
  • Use this time to connect with your family. Encourage conversation by having each family member talk about their day and share family stories.
  • Encourage your kids to participate in preparing the meal or setting the table.

My own memories of cooking dinner with my mom or sitting down to a family dinner with my parents and brother are special to me.  Family mealtime is a tradition worth carrying on, and I encourage you to enjoy the time to connect with your family.  For healthy recipes and cooking tips, visit http://dinnertonight.tamuedu/

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