Tag Time

It is time to order validation tags for 4-H members who plan to exhibit lambs, goats or breeding sheep in the 2015 Central Texas Fair, Ft Worth, San Antonio, San Angelo, Austin or Houston Livestock Show.  The validation of these animals will take place on October 27, 2014.  Other species and their validation dates are: Heifers – November 3; Steers – November 3; Swine – November 24; Rabbits – February 2, 2015.

4-H members should order their validation tags through the Bosque AgriLife Extension Service.  FFA member should place their orders with their Ag Science instructor.

ON a different note, everyone should tag this next paragraph, because there’s nothing better than having a conference in your own backyard. No hotels, no restaurant costs – it’s very convenient. And sometimes it’s easy to overlook these opportunities that are in a way… too easy. On August 26 from 6:30-9pm you can network with your neighbors while learning about the small grains and stocker business. Register at the extension office in person, by phone or online for $10 by August 22. Call 254-435-2331; Come by 104 S. Fuller, Get online at bosque.agrilife.org/agriculture. Yep, you can still get an education at a dirt cheap price.

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